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At 5.5 Months

Hi guys!! Naomi’s fast asleep next to me at the moment. So, YAY!! Let’s do a quick post, shall we?

Our baby girl turned 5 months old two weeks ago. 😚

Time really flies when you’re having fun (or when you’re a full-time mom πŸ˜‚).

She’s getting more and more interactive and playful these days. And I really, really enjoy looking after her each day! πŸ™‚

I’m kinda amazed that we both survived the first few dreadful weeks unharmed, lol! Look at where we are today!! 😝 She’s turning so sweet these days β€” gently touching my face while smiling and looking into my eyes. 😍

Taken today while she was taking her noontime nap. Believe it or not but this is an iPhone pic! iPhone cameras are the BEST!

She’s gonna start on solids in two weeks’ time and I’m quite excited about that! ‘Coz right now, she’s still waking up quite often at night for feeds. I don’t know if introducing solids would keep her fuller at night and hence waking up less for feeds? I’ve been patiently waiting for the night when she will sleep through the night to come, but I haven’t been lucky so far. πŸ˜‚

Meanwhile, I’m losing hair like crazy these days. 😭 It’s quite scary to see the amount of hair I “pull out” whenever I shampoo my hair.

My wrists are still hurting like hell, which really sucks. ‘Cos I have to hold her every day, do chores, cook, wash. Even shampooing my hair can hurt like a @#$*)@%*)! And I think being constantly on my phone whenever my hands are free are not helping at all. ☹️

Thank God Mr S has been very supportive and helpful thus far. I am very, very thankful! πŸ˜™

Anyway, it will be a stormy weather in Perth tomorrow. Stay safe and rugged up, guys!

Goodnight! πŸ’œ (Goodnight because Naomi woke up while I was halfway typing this post up and had to continue later at night after my shower, heh.)

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